Located in the USA and looking for a good lineman school?
To get you started on your school hunt, we have compiled a list of the best lineman school in the USA.
Let’s jump straight into the top lineman schools in the USA in 2025.
North American Lineman Training Center – Lineman Schools USA

North American Lineman Training Center is unparalleled in its Mission to provide the safest, most comprehensive training to the next generation of linemen. Our curriculum is taught by highly experienced JOURNEYMEN LINEMEN, not safety officers, inside electricians nor theoretical engineers. We pride ourselves on being a smaller institution where the student is engaged one-on-one and given a more thorough, hands-on experience than our competitors.
Students will learn about safety working procedures and personal protection equipment.
Students will learn the basics of the entire electrical system from generation through transmission, distribution, and conversion.
The students will be taught the fundamentals of practical and mathematical application of Direct Current and Alternating Current.
Students will learn how and why transformers are used, banked, energized, and the various configurations of both Delta and Wye.
Students will learn how and why companies work on transmission and distribution lines as well as all equipment and methods used when working.
Students will learn how to tie specific knots, splice rope and learn the proper use of various ropes, slings, block and tackle.
The students will learn about underground transformers, under-ground switching and grounding procedures.
Students will learn how to construct a resume and cover letter, what to look for in an employer and engage in one-on-one mock interviews with instructors in order so that they might interview well once they graduate.
Each day North American Lineman Training Center focuses on implementing classroom theory out in the field in the most comprehensive, hands-on setting to ensure each student has mastered the task asked of him.
Our lineman school program will allow you to begin your career ahead of all the rest. Our students have experience performing the jobs of a lineworker, as well as obtaining professional knowledge of the industry while they proceed through our program. Our students are well equipped to stand out from the interview to the actual job. Our program will provide an outlet for electric companies to search for new qualified applicants. Our students will be able to enter the industry with the technical skills that their employers can’t pass up!
The lineman school instructors at North American Lineman Training Center have extensive real-world experience in power generation, transmission and distribution. Their exceptional understanding of the industry and what companies are looking for makes our program a cut above other schools.
Our students will have hands-on experience in the trade and be coached in problem-solving skills in order to help them excel in their work. Additionally, our instructors have worked throughout numerous geographical regions of North America, Africa, and the Middle East, and have worked many of the hurricanes, snowstorms and other natural disasters in the United States thus benefiting students with their vast and knowledgeable experience.
Then this trade is the right career for you. North American Lineman Training Center provides its lineman school graduates with a listing of electric companies and unions that will be useful in your search for your ideal company. Our instructor’s connections with the leaders of the trade will also give the students of North American Lineman Training Center the upper hand at finding a career. Our students will be trained, not only to look for the job but to find jobs. A career planning class is required to help our students create a resume and learn to find their own jobs.
Alaska Electrical Apprenticeship – Lineman Schools USA

The Alaska Joint Electrical Apprenticeship and Training Trust is a joint partnership between The Alaska Chapter of the National Electrical Contractors Association and The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 1547.
The AJEATT is dedicated to producing Alaska’s best trained and most qualified electrical workers. Let us help you get started on an exciting and fulfilling career in the electrical industry.
Inside Wireman
The inside wireman does the electrical work on industrial, commercial, and private structures and installations. Work consists of installing conduit, wire, distribution and service panels, lighting fixtures, motors and controls. Much of the work may be outside, in all kinds of weather, and involve reading of plans, codes, and specifications.
The school consists of an initial six to the seven-week session, with four additional sessions approximately once every year. Classes are held eight hours a day, five days a week, at the Electrical Training Centers in Anchorage and Fairbanks. There is a total of 1400 hours of class-related training.
Outside Power Lineman
The outside lineman is responsible for the distribution and transmission of high voltage power from the generation system to substations or occupancies. This is done either on poles or underground, in all kinds of weather. Their work requires good physical strength and the ability to work in a team effort.
Outside Power Lineman: School consists of an initial eight-week session with two additional eight-week sessions during on-the-job training. The classes are held eight hours a day, five days a week, at the Electrical Training Centers in Anchorage and Fairbanks. There is a total of 960 hours of class-related training.
A communications worker works with and installs communications equipment in the fields of line construction (outside plant), splicing (construction and maintenance), installation and repair (residential and commercial), central office and customer-owned premise equipment. The work is often in confined spaces and highly technical. It will also involve working outside in adverse conditions or handling heavy conductors and equipment. Regardless of the field of communications, you choose to specialize in, all telephone workers and apprentices must learn to climb poles and work at heights.
The school consists of an initial eight-week session with three additional eight-week sessions during on-the-job training. Classes are held eight hours a day, five days a week, at the Electrical Training Centers in Anchorage and Fairbanks. There is a total of 1280 hours of class-related training.
California Nevada Electrical – Lineman Schools USA

The main focus of the California-Nevada JATC is to keep the outside electrical industry within our two states with an adequate number of highly skilled journey-level workers. We do this by offering a power lineman apprenticeship program in outside electrical construction.
Train for this work with the California-Nevada JATC, and go from a new apprentice to a journeyman lineman in fewer than four years. With more than 500 line contractors in the organized electrical construction industry, you can be assured of meaningful, lifelong work – with opportunities for advancement.
The Joint Apprenticeship and Training Committee of the California-Nevada Line Construction Industry (California-Nevada JATC) is a nonprofit association designed to systematically train unionized workers for the outside electrical construction industry.
The main focus of the California-Nevada JATC is to keep the outside electrical industry within our two states with an adequate number of highly skilled journey-level workers. We do this by offering a Power Lineman Apprenticeship program in Outside Electrical Construction.
What is an Apprenticeship Program?
Apprenticeship is a training strategy that combines supervised, structured on-the-job training with related theoretical instruction. The training program is sponsored by employers or labour/management groups that have the ability to hire and train in a work environment. Apprenticeship prepares people for skilled employment, with the content of the training defined and dictated by the needs of a particular industry.
Program Requirements
Typical apprenticeship programs span 3-5 years with a minimum of 144 hours of related supplemental instruction each year. The program requirements are clearly delineated in Federal & State laws and regulations. A registered apprenticeship requires a signed, written agreement (indenture) between the sponsor and apprentice. The apprentice agrees to perform the work faithfully with diligence and to complete the related course study.
This web site will attempt to explain to you what the Lineman trade is all about and how you can earn your way to a satisfying future in the electrical trade.
Review the topics on this page and the related links on the left to find out the benefits and requirements of becoming a certified IBEW Journeyman Lineman.
As a journeyman lineman, you’ll build, maintain and repair the power lines that carry electricity to homes and businesses. When you apply for the California-Nevada Outside Lineman Program, you’ll be taking the first step to a career that not only has a tremendous impact on the people you serve but one that will have a positive impact on your future as well.
After completion of this program, you can be proud to say, you are a journeyman lineman from the California-Nevada JATC program.
Tennessee Valley Public Power Association – Lineman Schools USA

The Tennessee Valley Public Power Association, Inc. (TVPPA) is the nonprofit, regional service organization that represents the interests of consumer-owned electric utilities operating within the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) service area. TVPPA members include both municipal and electric cooperatives, and they serve more than 9 million people in Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Mississippi, Kentucky, North Carolina and Virginia.
We will be the preferred and continuing source of services that enhance the competitive position of consumer-owned utilities. We will be the leading force in shaping public policy related to the supply of electricity to consumers in the Tennessee Valley.
Our mission is twofold: to serve as an effective advocate for our members’ interests with the public, in the political process, and with the TVA; and to be a successful independent provider of competitive business services. As a voluntary service organization, we provide our members with the advantages of larger utility operations without relinquishing the local ownership and control that is essential to our independent distribution systems. The backbone of our association is its committee structure. Key volunteer committees provide a vital working link between the association staff and members.
Penn Foster – Lineman Schools USA

For over 125 years, Penn Foster has worked directly with working learners and through partnerships with skilled trades organizations to help tens of thousands of learners gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence to succeed on their career paths and in life; while meeting the unmet needs of skilled trades employers looking to fill talent gaps. With comprehensive career pathways, Penn Foster’s training and education help employers upskill their workforce and improve productivity, while providing trainees with the essential skills needed to meet current and evolving job requirements.
The mission of Penn Foster is to empower adult learners to advance their careers, learn a new skill, or gain personal satisfaction. We strive to fulfil this mission by providing breadth and depth of courses, applicable technology, and a wide array of flexible services aimed at the needs of the working learner. All of these employer-sponsored training programs, from basic work readiness skills to advanced training for electricians, machinists, mechanics, supervisors, and others, are self-paced, flexible, and can be tailored to your organization’s unique training needs.
Built for the working learner — anytime, anywhere online access to course materials
Modular training programs tailored to your specific organizational and employee needs
Powering the next-generation workforce for over 50 years
Trusted training partner to over 1,000 manufacturing, utilities and educational institutions
Deliver quality training at scale with low-cost skilled trades and apprenticeship programs
Lineman School and Powerlineman Apprenticeship.
Self-paced, online utility training and apprenticeship program
Penn Foster’s electrical lineman training program accommodates all skill levels with a self-paced curriculum that offers courses for both beginners and experts. To start, the program includes pre-technical courseware in mathematics for electrical calculations, trainees then move forward to learn AC and DC applications. Upon demonstrating understanding of basic skills, the online curriculum transitions into comprehensive utility lineman training sessions that teach the skills necessary for installation, operation and maintenance of overhead and underground power lines. To fit in with busy work schedules, the programs are highly versatile and flexible, allowing learners to take lessons on their own time, at their own pace. The online learning, when coupled with on-the-job training, provides a clear career pathway for employees.
Improve on-the-job performance by speaking with your Training Consultant about how to devise a tailored lineman training program for your employees.
Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association – Lineman Schools USA

Our Mission
We are a not-for-profit cooperative power supplier, and our mission is to provide our member systems with a reliable, affordable and responsible supply of electricity in accordance with cooperative principles.
Our Members
We are a cooperative of 45 members, including 42 electric distribution cooperatives and public power districts in four states that together provide power to more than a million electricity consumers across nearly 200,000 square miles of the West.
Cooperative Difference
What makes us unique among utilities is that cooperatives like Tri-State are member-owned and governed and operate on a not-for-profit basis. Our governing decisions are based on sound financial principles, utility industry best practices and, most importantly, the needs of our members.
Award-Winning Lineman Training School
The valuable relationship between the rural electric cooperative and the school was validated when PREMA received the 2021 Western Nebraska Community College Friend of the College award. According to Mary Sheffield, WNCC’s alumni relations and stewardship director, “This award is the highest award the college gives. Our partnership with PREMA is a shining example to the Nebraska panhandle of two organizations working together to help each other fulfil parts of our respective missions – to foster the well-being and economic growth of the communities we serve. It is our hope that the success of the lineman training school will foster more industry partnerships. Many of which are in the works right now.”
Lineman School Helps Keep Talent Local
When co-op managers recognized that often their linemen received years of valuable on-the-job training to become journeymen, only to leave for jobs closer to the communities in which they grew up, they decided they needed to make a change. They felt that a lineman training program closer to home would help to attract and retain talent from the local area.
Ready to face the challenge, several of Tri-State’s member systems joined forces in 2001 to create a high-quality lineman training program that would attract talented resident students that were more likely to establish roots in their communities and become long-term employees.
Local Lineman Training Programs
It all began in Nebraska when Ryan Reiber, manager of Panhandle Rural Electric Membership Association (PREMA) in Alliance, and Avvo Taaler, then-manager of Wheat Belt Public Power District in Sidney, discussed the need for a utility line training program in their state’s panhandle. At the time, the nearest program was 300 miles away.
Reiber and Taaler recruited rural and municipal utility leaders from Nebraska and reached out to utilities in Wyoming and Colorado to serve on a feasibility committee. They gained the necessary support and in 2006 launched the Powerline Construction and Maintenance Technology program at Western Nebraska Community College (WNCC) in Alliance, Nebraska. According to Reiber, “The city of Alliance stepped up in a big way by providing the building and land for the program’s lab facility as well as classroom space at its Library/College Attendance Center.”
Assistance for Lineman Training
The best program candidates are identified by the member system, and generally receive scholarships from their local electric co-op or PPD, after passing a college proficiency English and math exam. The pre-testing limits the number of qualifying students, resulting in a high teacher-to-student ratio (approximately one instructor for every 15 students). According to Earl Reilly, Certificated Loss Control Professional, operations manager/safety director at Wheat Belt PPD, “The quality of the trained students and not the quantity of graduating students, is most important.”
Innovative and Hands-On Training for Linemen
Located on 11 acres, the facility keeps pace with the evolving electric industry and has added an innovative indoor training aspect to ensure state-of-the-art training for the future linemen. “What makes ours a highly sought-after program is the involvement and support from our many industry partners that make up our advisory board and that are very committed to ensure that we always meet the changing industry needs,” explains Edward Salazar, program coordinator and instructor.
As part of the program, the utility will often provide paid internships of 180 hours, which gives the electric co-op or PPD a realistic assessment of the student’s skills and work ethic. The hands-on evaluation is more telling of the candidate’s qualifications than a one-hour interview. According to Reilly, “We look forward to having the students with us for an internship because they ask great questions about what they’re learning which makes for great discussion and review for the student and our linemen.”
Texas A&M Engineering Extension Service – Lineman Schools USA

It comes down to saving lives. From providing emergency responders to disasters across the state and nation to developing training and practical workforce solutions, TEEX makes a difference worldwide. More than 200,000 people representing every U.S. state and territory and 105 countries are served annually through on-site and online resources for specialties from homeland security to economic development and workforce training.
Home to some of the world’s top training facilities, the emergency preparedness campus in Bryan/College Station includes the Brayton Fire Training Field, Disaster City® and the Emergency Operations Training Center. Customized TEEX training programs develop practical solutions for each client’s need through hands-on instructional facilities for public utilities, law enforcement and unexploded ordinance training at the home campus or at customer-specified locations worldwide.
Lineman Academy
The Utilities profession represents an $880 billion industry responsible for providing crucial infrastructure support to state and local customers throughout Texas and our nation. As a State Agency responsible for providing technical training and practical solutions to over 120,000 students annually, the TEEX Lineman Academy is a comprehensive pre-employment training experience for individuals seeking a career in the utilities industry.
The Academy is a 480-hour class delivered over a 15-week period utilizing traditional classroom instruction combined with practical field exercises followed by required skills testing.
Upon successful completion of the Academy, participants receive:
- Wood Pole Climbing Qualification Card
- Bucket & Digger Truck Operator Qualification Card
- OSHA 10-hour Construction ET&D Card
- First Aid/AED Card
In addition to the qualification cards, students will have the opportunity to prepare for the Class A CDL exam offered through the Texas Department of Public Safety. Students also receive training and guidance on writing effective resumes, successful interviewing techniques, and opportunities to participate in a hosted job fair connecting students with potential employers.
Santiago Canyon College – Lineman Schools USA

Santiago Canyon College is a dynamic award-winning Southern California Community College within the Rancho Santiago Community College District. From our founding, Santiago Canyon College’s inclusive community continues to redefine the truly student-focused experience. Diverse programs and certification paths, proven transfer successes, and accessible state of the art facilities are just the beginning to us. Attending SCC empowers the individual student to seek the opportunities they deserve and desire, right here, right now.
We start each day by asking a simple question – what can today bring? Proven transfer paths, clear steps toward Associate of Science and Associate of Arts degrees as well as Associate Degrees for Transfer, a wide variety of career technical education certificate programs, engaging adult learning, rich community service opportunities, business skills to stand out – it all happens here every day.
It’s our belief that what you seek later in life is just as important as what you choose to do today. That’s why SCC celebrates what happens here – every course, every lecture, every test, every conversation, every achievement – every day an opportunity we never pass up.
Apprenticeship Power Lineman
Program Information
The work of the Power Lineman involves erecting and maintaining power lines, climbing power poles. Working on communication lines. It’s highly skilled work that requires a great deal of concentration, skill, and knowledge.
Demand for this type of work will never go “out of style” as long as folks use electricity. In fact, thanks to developments in the power industry, our contractors are seeing increased demand for their services – meaning they need more and more workers. With more than 500 line contractors in the organized electrical construction industry, you can be assured of meaningful, lifelong work with opportunities for advancement.
This training program is carefully organized to include classroom/field instruction and 7,000 hours on the job training as an indentured apprentice, which requires approximately 3-1/2 years to complete. The classroom/field instruction include subjects that are trade-related: basic electricity, AC theory, transformers, circuitry, rigging, overhead and underground construction, equipment operation, Rubber Glove training and Hot Stick training. College credit is earned for related and supplemental instruction.
Successful completion of the apprenticeship program: (1) leads to journey worker status with the State of California; (2) satisfies major requirements for an associate degree through Santiago Canyon College; and (3) satisfies requirements for a Certificate of Achievement through Santiago Canyon College.
Southeast Lineman Training Center – Lineman Schools USA

Put It All On The Line
Southeast Lineman Training Center is the premier training school for apprentice lineworker training; consistently producing an elite group of highly trained and certified graduates.
Southeast Lineman Training Center (SLTC), established in 1999, was one of the first schools of its kind dedicated to the recruitment, training, and development of new and upcoming lineworkers in the electrical linework field. We have been a key player in helping to fill the void being created by a generation retiring from the electrical utility industry as well as creating the first-ever communications lineworker program in the country.
Today, we rank among the highest caliber of training facilities in the world and have established ourselves as industry experts in both the electrical and communications linework industries.
About The Electrical Lineworker Program
The objective of the Electrical Lineworker Program (ELP) is to provide the opportunity for students to embark on a meaningful and rewarding career in the electrical line work industry. This is accomplished by providing training methods that have proven to be extremely effective in preparing students to be highly successful employees. During the 15-week program, students will be trained in three educational areas: Academic Training, Field Training, as well as Certifications & Skills. Student/Teacher ratios during the field training environment are 16:1.
100+ acres of training grounds
Our campus offers students the most comprehensive hands-on field training available. In addition to our classroom space, we have a variety of training grounds and real-world equipment spread out among three campuses that are just a few miles apart.
Founded in 1999, Southeast Lineman Training Center (SLTC) is the premier training school for lineworker training; consistently producing an elite group of highly trained and certified graduates. We accomplish this through a training style and philosophy that is unlike any other program offered in the country, which has earned us an outstanding reputation in the linework industry. Many companies now require applicants to attend SLTC before they are considered for employment. We offer training courses in electrical and communications linework here on campus through our introductory programs and advanced industry training in Trenton, GA, as well as on-site training with companies around the world.
Northwest Lineman College – Lineman Schools USA

Love what you do with persistence, motivation, and the attitude to succeed.
Do the right thing — even when no one is watching — trust, honour, and dependability are your hallmarks.
Innovate always, leveraging originality and teamwork, so your legacy of positive contribution is guaranteed.
Northwest Lineman College is an industry-leading educational institution that trains workers for successful careers in the electric, telecom, and natural gas industries.
8000+ Trained Each Year
8000+ Campus LocationsAcross the U.S.
8000+ Network of Employers
Northwest Lineman College (NLC) is an industry-leading educational institution that provides safety and certification training in the power delivery, natural gas, and telecommunications industries.
NLC offers complete solutions from pre-apprentice to advanced training and has remained committed to doing what’s best for the student for more than 25 years.
Since 1993, NLC has grown to over 270 employees with four campus locations across the United States.
To improve lives, the industries we serve, and the country, Northwest Lineman College will be a dynamic, visionary, and leading international educational institution providing the benchmark standard of human performance, training, and products for the trades that exceed the expectation of customers.
NW Line JATC – Lineman Schools USA

NW Line JATC is focused on preparing highly skilled journey-level workers for employment in the outside electrical industry. We’re committed to providing the best possible training for apprentices, getting them ready for a long and successful career.
Despite the uncertainty of our times, the hardworking men and women of the IBEW and NECA proudly serve our communities by building and maintaining the electrical systems around the clock. NW Line JATC is honoured to be a vital contributor by providing men and women the necessary training required to become professional journeymen.
It is by no means an easy job. Electrical Lineman and Powerline Clearance Tree Trimmers work long and arduous hours in high-risk situations throughout all types of environmental conditions- from midnight emergency responses to cringe-worthy working heights. Not everyone has what it takes to be a part of this industry. Paired with thousands of hours of job training and years of schooling, one must have true grit and determination to succeed. All that said, it is one of the most rewarding, well respected, and challenging career fields a person can enter.
Outside Lineman Apprenticeship
As an NW Line JATC apprentice, you will receive on-the-job training to become a journeyman lineman. You will build, repair, and maintain the powerlines that carry electricity to homes and businesses across our communities. From the point of generation at the power plants to the customer’s meter, linemen are responsible for the work- from powerlines and overhead structures ranging upwards of 300 feet to underground vaults and trenches. Work can be in rural or metropolitan areas.
Power Line Clearance Tree Trimmer Program
Tree trimmers provide tree maintenance and removal, typically near active power lines. Trimmers typically work in excess of 100 feet, utilizing ropes and aerial lifts to perform their job duties. Their advanced rigging, cutting, and climbing techniques help them to identify trees and tree sections that pose a danger.
VOLTA Line School
Licensed through the Oregon Department of Education, the Vocational Outside Line Training Academy (VOTLA) is a private, nonprofit vocational training school: preparing students for entry-level work as a line worker in the outside line industry.
If you are interested in pursuing a high-paying, skilled trade, VOLTA can help you achieve your goals. Our program focuses on skills for both the entry-level lineworker and the experienced tradesman looking to make a career change. You will be taught by Journey-level instructors who are currently active in the industry.
You will learn skills ranging from fundamental knowledge of electrical systems to equipment and safety protocols. Your accumulated knowledge will prepare you to enter the field as an entry-level lineworker. We ensure that the skills we teach are in line with the current industry demand, so employers will know you have the skills they want in a new hire.
EITI – Lineman Schools USA

Safety. Performance. Excellence. This is what EITI is all about. Since 1991, the Electrical Industry Training Institute (EITI) has trained thousands of electrical utility industry personnel throughout the world. From pre-apprentice linemen training to electrical engineering professional development, EITI programs meet or exceed federal and state regulations and standards.
EITI provides many utility training programs and services along the Pacific Coast of North America to international locations overseas. The following list represents some recent.
EITI is the premier source for international industry training. With extensive industry experience and an exceptional record for safety and productivity, EITI sets the benchmark for international best practices and standards. If you want training delivered to your doorstep — anywhere in the world
From high voltage Live Line training to Substation Operations, EITI Global delivers Worker Training or Train-the-Trainer programs — directly to your site. With an extensive repertoire of training modules, EITI easily customizes our training packages to meet your company’s distinct needs.
Gain the skills you need to excel in your career. Open for registration now, EITI Global provides world-class pre-apprentice and apprentice programs for powerline workers, utility arborists, and climbing arborists. Register now or pre-register to be put on our waiting list for the next course intake. See our programs.
Whether you need a fully comprehensive train-the-trainer program or specialized journeyman training courses that are customized for your corporation, EITI Global can help you get the right training for your needs. Having trained thousands of generation, transmission, and distribution students all over the world, EITI sets the industry benchmark for international training standards — meeting all established regulations and codes. With a heavy emphasis on performance, all EITI programs incorporate a significant portion of hands-on training to complement leading-edge classroom training and technology. All students must pass rigorous theoretical knowledge and practical competency evaluations before they are awarded EITI Certification. This commitment to excellence has led to EITI trained students achieving some of the highest performance and safety records in the industry.
Worker Training
Get exactly the right training you need. With our extensive repertoire of internationally-renowned training modules, EITI can quickly package a training program designed specifically for you. We start with a brief needs assessment of your company, reviewing any diagrams or other site-specific details, to make your training program highly specific and relevant. Pick and choose from the following list of training modules to build the training program you need if you don’t see the training module you.
Spokane Community College – Lineman Schools USA

Spokane Community College and Avista Utilities have formed a unique partnership with the goal of introducing people to the demanding field of utility construction. This introductory course is open to individuals interested in entry-level positions leading to career positions in the line or gas craft.
Through classroom and field training, participants will be introduced to a variety of knowledge and skills which are essential to the trade.
The utility construction school is held at Avista’s training facility. The facility features three fully-equipped classrooms with an on-site shop that houses various types of equipment used for training seminars. The 10-acre utility construction site is equipped with a variety of construction set-ups designed to provide a high-quality training environment. Hundreds of apprenticeships and journey-level workers from utilities and construction companies have benefited from our training facilities and programs.
Spokane Community College (SCC) is one of two accredited institutions of Community Colleges of Spokane and one of the largest community colleges in the state. SCC is known for leading programs in automotive, aviation, cosmetology, culinary arts, healthcare, machining and welding, just to name a few. We also train and certify many professionals through our Apprenticeship and Journeyman Training Center and the popular Avista/SCC Lineworker School. SCC provides associates degrees and transfer-ready programs to open your path to a four-year college or university. The main campus is located in Spokane, with centres in Colville, Newport, Republic and Inchelium.
SCC Mission and Core Themes
Spokane Community College offers educational opportunities in college readiness, workforce training, and university transfer that meets the needs of the diverse communities we serve. We are committed to student success through active learning, dynamic relationships, and supportive environments.
Core Themes
The college has identified four core themes to further define the mission which is used to evaluate mission fulfilment.
Workforce Development
SCC’s professional technical certificate and degree programs are industry standard, preparing students for entry-level positions in their discipline.
Academic Transfer
Students enrolled in Academic Transfer courses are well prepared and successful as they transfer their coursework and/or Associate degrees in pursuit of the next step in their education plan.
College Readiness
College Readiness programs meet the needs of students and prepare them for college-level courses while empowering them to succeed academically, personally, and professionally.
Student Success
Students are provided with the opportunity to succeed in a supported environment that enhances individual and professional growth through academic, personal and professional development.
Spokane Community College is where students transform their lives and attain their goals, enriching our communities.
Core Values
Student Success, Excellence, Accessibility, Inclusiveness, Collaboration, Mutual Respect, Responsiveness, Life-long Learning